
Microchipping is crucial for pet safety, ensuring a higher chance of reunion if they ever get lost.

Microchips are a great way to help keep your dog safe. They are a safe and easy way to help identify your pet and can help if your furry family member ever gets loose.

Why is it important to ensure my dog is microchipped?

Microchipping your dog is one of the most effective ways to identify your pet if they are ever lost, or have escaped. In many cases, when a dog gets lost or escapes, they have broken free from their collar or don’t have it on, making it impossible for anyone who finds your pet to identify them. If your dog is microchipped, they can be scanned at any local vet for their microchip number and you can be contacted immediately.

How it works and things to know?

Sometimes referred to as an RFID (Radio-frequency Identification) chip, they are implanted under the skin, around the shoulder blade area. When a RFID scanner is passed over the implant area, it detects the chip, which sends an identification number to the scanner. The identification number is unique to the chip, therefore unique to the animal.

The best time to get your furry friend microchipped is at the time of their spay or neuter.

Although the chip is slightly larger than a grain of rice, in order to implant the microchip under the skin, a large gauge needle must be used. Implanting the microchip at this time can be more comfortable for the animal, as they are under anesthetic.

Hundreds of pets go missing every year. Sometimes when they are found they are brought into local veterinary clinics. All veterinary hospitals have microchip scanners. Once a stray animal is brought into the clinic, they are scanned for a microchip. If a chip is found, we can check our computer system to see if the cat/dog is a patient of ours. If not, then we can call the microchip company to help find the owner.

Of course, the microchip company’s database is only useful if all the information provided is correct. This is one of the most important parts of getting your pet microchipped. For instance, if owners move, they often forget to change pertinent information with the microchip company. If an address, or more important, the phone number the microchip company has on file is incorrect, it will become harder for owners to be reunited with their furry loved ones.

Another instance is if you have obtained your pet from a breeder. Sometimes, breeders will implant microchips as well, and chances are the information the microchip company has is theirs. This means that when scanned and called into the company, the only information that is recorded is the breeder.

Another common scenario is if you adopt a pet that already has a microchip. Whether it be from a shelter or from another person, it is very important to make sure the company is called and the information on file is changed to yours. These instances can make reuniting you and your pet, take longer.

Microchipping is a safe and effective way to help identify your beloved pet and get them home faster if they ever go astray.

How much does it cost to microchip a dog?

The cost of implanting and microchipping is fairly minimal. It is a one time fee and usually, there is a separate registration fee with the microchip company. We believe it is worth every penny to have your pet returned to you quickly and safely!

How safe are microchips?

Microchips are very safe for your dog. They are designed to stay in the pet for its whole life. They are placed using a sterile needle, therefore the risk of injection site infection is very low.

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