Neutering & Spaying

Spaying and neutering aids in population control, behaviour management, and lowering health risks.

Spay and neuter services are two of the most common surgeries at West Hill Animal Clinic. We know putting your new kitten through a surgery that involves anesthetic can be frightening, but our highly skilled veterinary team is available to answer each of your questions and address all of your concerns.

Talk to the veterinary team at West Hill Animal Clinic about the best spay and neuter plan for your pet! We look forward to hearing from you.

What is spaying or neutering?

Spaying and neutering is the surgical removal of your cat’s reproductive system. It is recommended to decrease or prevent the chances of different types of cancers and diseases such as mammary tumours, pyometra and testicular cancer that may occur later in life.

When to neuter or spay a cat?

Typically, it is recommended to have your cat spayed or neutered at around 6 months of age, especially for female cats before their first heat, to minimize the occurrence of different types of cancers later in life.

Will my cat stay overnight?

At West Hill Animal Clinic, we send your cat home the same night after being spayed or neutered. They are dropped off in the morning around 8-8: 30 am and a discharge appointment is scheduled between 5-7 pm on the same day.

Do they get pain medication?

All spays and neuters are sent home with pain medication that is included in the cost of the procedure. It is important that they get their pain medications at home, to decrease the amount of discomfort they may be feeling. A technician will go over all the instructions for the medications being sent home, as well as teach you how to administer it.

Will they have to wear an e-collar?

An e-collar or cone is provided for your cat following their procedure. It is recommended that they wear it to prevent licking and irritation, or opening of the surgical site. The e-collar should be worn until their recheck appointment 10-14 days following their procedure.

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