
Regular deworming helps ensure your cat's health and prevents the spread of parasites.

What internal parasites affect cats?

The most common intestinal parasites in cats are roundworms, hookworms, tapeworms, giardia and whipworms, just to name a few. These parasites will live in the digestive and intestinal tract of your cat and will thrive on taking vital nutrients from them, often making them have a “sickly” appearance.

What are some symptoms of a worm infestation in cats?

It is quite common for young cats to have a parasitic infestation. It is often transferred to them by their mothers in the womb, or shortly after being born, during nursing. Other common ways for adult cats to pick up an intestinal parasite is through ingestion, sniffing or general contact with infected soil or feces, passed by other animals outdoors and in their environment. This is why cleaning up after our pets is so important for ending the cycle of parasitic infections.

Cats who have an intestinal parasite will often have diarrhea or loose stools that may or may not contain blood or mucus. With heavy infections, you may even be able to see the worms present in the stools.

Since these intestinal parasites take vital nutrients from your cat to survive, it can leave your cat to have an “unhealthy” appearance. They will often have a dull coat, pot-bellied appearance, or even appear to be anemic or pale. They may also experience inappetence, vomiting or coughing. Regular deworming and prevention will help to protect your kittens and cats from these unwanted critters. Contact the clinic if you have any other questions regarding internal parasites, or if you think your cat may have one.

Do worms affect humans?

There are some intestinal parasites that can be transmitted to humans. They are transmitted through ingestion of the eggs. Basic hygiene will help prevent transmission (i.e washing hands after handling feces). If you are at all worried about these parasites, please discuss this with one of our veterinarians.

What is a good schedule for my cat?

A deworming schedule depends heavily on your cat’s lifestyle. A discussion with one of our veterinarians will help choose the right plan and medication for your cat.

Do deworming medications have side-effects?

There are few common side effects associated with deworming. If you feel that your cat is experiencing a side effect, please contact us for further assistance.

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