Teddy’s Journey Through Diabetes at WHAC

Teddy is a 12 year old cat that was brought to West Hill Animal Clinic for drinking a lot, urinating a lot and ravenously eating. The owners also mentioned that he was not able to jump up at all. Dr. Joudrey suspected that he was diabetic. It turned out that her suspicion was correct. Unfortunately the owners could not afford to treat Teddy and needed to find him a new home. One of our technicians, Erin decided to take on the challenge and take him into her home. Teddy is a very sweet and incredibly handsome boy so it was an easy decision for her.

Dr. Joudrey did full blood work and urine on Teddy and found that he was completely healthy (other than the diabetes). She immediately started him on Purina DM food and Lantus insulin twice a day. Dr. Joudrey also noticed that Teddy’s hind legs were very weakened. This is called neuropathy, which is nerve damage caused by high blood glucose levels. This is why Teddy was not able to jump or even use the stairs.

Erin checked his glucose with a quick and easy prick of his ear twice a day before each injection. Teddy did not mind this because he knew he was going to be fed right after.

After about 3 weeks, Erin noticed that Teddy’s glucose was becoming closer to normal after 12 hours after his last injection. Eventually he only needed one injection a day to keep him regulated. After about a month of this, Erin was very happy to announce that Teddy no longer needed insulin at all. The Purina DM was all he needed to keep him regulated. Teddy is a very lucky kitty, not all cats can be regulated on diet alone.

Teddy is a much happier little guy and loves his new home. He enjoys a good belly rub and gets to go outside and sun bathe in the fenced back yard. He loves his new doggy friend Molly, they are becoming the best of friends.

Diabetes can be a very scary thing for owners. But it is no death sentence. It takes some work and patience and you can have your healthy and happy pet back. It is very important for owners to learn how to use a glucometer and do the ear prick. That way you can see when your pet needs, or does not need insulin and the fear of hypoglycemia will disappear.

The future looks bright for Teddy. Although it is possible he may relapse. But for now Erin is just monitoring his drinking, urination and hunger for signs of the diabetes returning.